Seu-kaen-deul: Mae-woo choong-gyeok-i-go boo-do-deok-han sa-geon 2013

Drama Romance Thriller

A man loses his son when a building collapses. He finds out who killed his son and kidnaps the son of this man. When the son grows up, he learns that the man he believed to be his father was in fact a kidnapper. This is a story of...

Tous les titres
  • Seukaendeul: Maewoo choonggyeokigo boododeokhan sageon
  • Scandal
  • Scandal: A Shocking and Wrongful Incident
  • FR: Seu-kaen-deul: Mae-woo choong-gyeok-i-go boo-do-deok-han sa-geon Seu-kaen-deul: Mae-woo choong-gyeok-i-go boo-do-deok-han sa-geon
  • UA: Scandal Scandal
  • US: Scandal Scandal
Date de sortie 29 Jun 2013
Lien IMDb


Seu-kaen-deul: Mae-woo choong-gyeok-i-go boo-do-deok-han sa-geon 2013